Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, July 26, 2012

A story...

Gather round children and let me tell you a story.
This morning I went to Seven Peaks with my inlaws. It was a beautiful day and we had fun, we stayed for a few hours and both kids were asleep by the time we got home. So I put them both in bed and changed and laid in bed as well. After about an hour or so Lorelai woke up and was fussing, so I was trying to comfort her, when I heard out front door open. I look at the clock and it's 3, not even close to time for James to be home, so I think "Maybe I'm just imagining it..." then I see a shadow on the wall, and I freaked out. I yelled out "Hello" and grabbed our gun and loaded it, because at this point I'm thinking "Holy crap, it's the middle of the day and someone is coming into my house where my two children are sleeping" So then I hear the front door close, and I think "Okay, apparently I scared them off" But I still take the gun and go through the entire house (and my heart is beating out of my chest, I'm so scared)  Well no one was there, so I check outside, and no one was there.  So I go back into my room grateful no one was actually there, and call James and tell him what happened, and by this time Lorelai (who had woken up when I started to hear things) was really upset, so I nursed her (keeping the gun close at hand) and called James.  After she finished eating I came back out to check and see if anything was missing or moved ect. I don't see anything at first, and then I notice something on my kitchen table. My Pass of all Passes, which I had left with James's family that morning so they could get a tube. So I called them and asked if they had come into my house and they said yes, it was my brother in law David dropping off my pass and getting some water, not some crazed psycho.  So I told them I was going to have to beat David because he had me thinking someone was in my house, and finally my heart stopped beating so fast.
Let me just tell you, I had a million things running through my mind and here are a few "We have to move" "What if they come back, I'm never going to sleep again" "I'm in my underwear (because I had come home from the water park and immediately taken a nap, I didn't need clothes)" "It's probably a good thing I didn't see David because it would have been very awkward... I wasn't dressed and I'd have pointed a loaded gun at him"  "I'm going to punch David for scaring me so much" "James would be so proud of me for keeping my wits about me and getting the gun"  "I should write this in the blog because it's actually a funny story"  Well it's funny now that I know someone wasn't breaking into my home.
So to sum it up for you: don't come into my house without me knowing, because I'll think your a crazed psycho killer and will load the gun to come make you leave...


  1. I have been there before. I swear I heard someone coming in the back.door so I grabbed the gun. Turned out it was nothing but still.nice to.feel secure. Funny thing though, I was also in my.underwear as I had just gotten out of the shower lol. Glad it was nothing though!

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